
The Bungee-compatible upgrade

Waterfall is an upgraded BungeeCord, offering full compatibility with improvements to performance and stability.

Why Waterfall?

Fast, smooth, and easy

Waterfall is a simple BungeeCord fork with additional improvements to stability and performance.

An active and growing community

If you encounter any problems, you can come talk with us on Discord and get real time support.

Compatible with Bungee

Everything that works with BungeeCord works with Waterfall. The switch is seamless and easy: Simply swap out the relevant downloads and you’re good to go.

Don't need BungeeCord compatibility?

If you don’t desperately need BungeeCord plugins on your proxy, Velocity is the best proxy software available. Designed with performance and scalability in mind, Velocity is a lot faster and much more stable than BungeeCord.

Getting Started

To get started with Waterfall, you will need to download and install the latest version of the proxy software. Once you're ready, take a look at our documentation.

Together with a community of server owners

Whether you need help with your proxy settings, server lag, or need a guide for formatting your chat, our knowledgeable staff and friendly community are always around to lend a hand.